Tolkien: Treasures

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Tolkien: Treasures, kansi. Kansikuva: J. R. R. Tolkien, "Keskustelu Smaugin kanssa". Kuva:

Tolkien: Treasures on vuonna 2018 ilmestynyt Catherine McIlwainen kirjoittama ja Bodleian Librariesin kustantama 144-sivuinen kuvateos, joka esittelee Oxfordin Tolkien-arkiston "aarteita", kuvia, karttoja, kirjeitä ja muita dokumentteja Tolkienin elämän varrelta. Teos liittyy vuonna 2018 Bodleian Librariesin järjestämään Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth -näyttelyyn, jonka kuraattorina McIlwaine toimi.[1] Toinen näyttelyn yhteydessä julkaistu Catherine McIlwainen teos on Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth (suom. Tolkien: Mies joka loi Keski-Maan), joka on huomattavasti laajempi ja niinikään runsaasti kuvitettu.[2]

Kustantajan esittely

This volume is an excellent introduction to the world of J. R. R. Tolkien. Recounting in images and words the story of his early years and life as a scholar and family man, the book also illustrates some of the primary items associated with The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. These include manuscripts, drawings, watercolours, letters, family photographs, and private papers. It also includes his remarkably detailed and endlessly engaging maps of Middle Earth produced over many years an annotated in his own hand.

The book brings vividly to life the astonishing range of Tolkien’s skills, from scholar, to linguist, storyteller, illustrator, herald, and mapmaker. Drawing on the Bodleian Library’s vast Tolkien archive, this book gives us a unique and highly personal glimpse into Tolkien’s worlds – scholarly, literary, creative, and domestic.

From Tolkien’s childhood in the Midlands and his experience of the First World War to his studies at school and university, and from his exquisite illustrations for his novels to his intricate and beautiful maps showing Middle-earth’s topography, this stunning book, faithfully reproducing many of the treasures of the Tolkien Archive in Oxford, is the perfect introduction to Tolkien’s life and works.

Bibliografisia tietoja

Tolkien: Treasures / Catherine McIlwaine. – Oxford : Bodleian Libraries, 2018. – 144 s. ; kuv.
ISBN 9781851244966 (nid.)



  1. Ks. esim. Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth (näyttelyn viralliset kotisivut; luettu 12.2.2024); Hi, I'm Catherine McIlwaine, the Tolkien Archivist at the Bodleian Libraries in Oxford. AMA (TolkienArchivist, Reddit 21.9.2018; luettu 12.2.2024).
  2. Ks. artikkeli Tolkien: Mies joka loi Keski-Maan.

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